Wise Action
When we feel tired, overwhelmed, unsure, afraid of failing, we tend to grasp for quick solutions.
But when we are acting from a place of overwhelm or disconnection these solutions tend to be whatever habits and reactions we have picked up over time, or short term fixes that put a sticky plaster over the real issue (chocolate anyone?!).
Acting from a place of desperation, exasperation or depletion tends to dig us further into the hole.
We worry about others, we want to help them, we offer them solutions, we try to fix them or whatever is ailing them. Often this well intentioned ‘fixing’ doesn’t go down so well, they feel misunderstood, invalidated, disempowered.
We feel irritated that they aren’t doing what would so obviously be good for them!
We want to help them, but really we want them to feel better so we don’t have to sit with our own distress about their situation.
Wise action offers a more connected, more insightful, more helpful approach.
When we are stressed our sympathetic nervous system is primed for survival, for attack, for defence, for impulsive and reactive responses.
Acting from awareness, understanding and empathy helps our brain to access its full potential. Our parasympathetic nervous system engages and we gain an integrated brain, our ‘wise mind’ - using our frontal cortex to engage emotional regulation, perspective, reasoning, creative thinking, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.
Our wise mind has our best interest at heart, it knows when to take care and rest, and when to give us a loving push to face challenges.
Sometimes the wisest action is conscious non-action
Which is so different from doing nothing or avoiding or procrastination (which can lead to short term relief, but long term discomfort). Instead we can watch, wait and wonder - returning to awareness until a wise action becomes clear.
Take 2 minutes to reflect on wise action:
These important steps of awareness, understanding and empathy are the foundation from which we can consider what wise action to take. Action–this time–which includes the whole picture, so that solutions are broader, richer, more holistic and thorough.
Read more about the Fierce Compassion Process:
Wise action helps us to move forward, to create a more connected, more fulfilling experience of ourselves and others.
It helps us to learn and grow from our mistakes and challenges, without judgement and self-criticism.
Book a connection call with Dr Mary to find out more about how to develop wise action with Fierce Compassion leadership and transformation coaching.